Free audiobooks for mp3 players free download
Free audiobooks for mp3 players free download

We sometimes don’t want to read or carry weighty books around therefore, carrying an Audiobook with you can help reduce eye fatigue, save your back from being subjected to weights, and add value to your life. They make learning smarter and let you have mercy on your eyes. To learn more about downloading DRM-free auidobooks, you can visit the website.Audiobooks are now a common thing and are mostly utilized by students. "MP3 files are a common format for digital audio and most devices are capable of playing them" said Ross. Compatible devices include any computer, tablet, smartphone or digital device capable of playing MP3 files. "The best part about DRM-free content is the flexibility of transferring it to any of your personal devices" Ross said.

free audiobooks for mp3 players free download

The site will then package and transfer the audiobook to the customer's computer. Once the purchase of a DRM-free audiobook is made, the user simply navigates to their "My Library" page and clicks the "Download" button. Each DRM-free audiobook is clearly labeled so consumers know which audiobooks are downloadable from the website. The process of downloading DRM-free audiobooks from the AudiobooksNow website is simple. "We are seeing more and more publishers offering part or all of their digital audiobook content DRM-free" said Ross. Ninety percent of AudiobooksNow's selection of over 20,000 titles is DRM-free. "Having the convenience of downloading their audiobook purchases directly from our website, and the flexibility of transferring the audiobooks to multiple devices is huge" said Doug Ross, President and CEO. Although DRM-free content does not have any protection on it, users must still abide by the copyright laws which prohibit them from sharing the content with others in any way. Digital content that is free from these restrictions are allowed to be directly downloaded and copied to multiple devices for personal use. AudiobooksNow is now the only audiobook download service that provides both streaming and downloading of audiobooks from their website.ĭRM (Digital Rights Management) controls the use of digital content and devices after the sale. This offers users greater convenience and flexibility for the digital audiobook content they purchase.

free audiobooks for mp3 players free download

Vienna, VA (PRNewswire) SeptemAudiobooksNow has just launched a new download feature on their website that allows consumers to download DRM-free audiobooks directly from the site. Over 18,000 titles now available for direct download from the website.

Free audiobooks for mp3 players free download